Uniform Guidelines



As discussed in Fall Kick-Off, we are shifting our uniform guidelines starting Spring 2025! The purpose of shifting these guidelines is to ensure that the attire worn by student staff matches the function of your role(s). Not all units will have major changes, however, to see your unit's guidelines (new or old), please see the bottom of this page!


Uniform Distribution is currently scheduled for November 18 – December 6 at the following days and times in the Southwest Rec Center Racquetball Court 1. November 18 – 22 is the primary time frame for you to retrieve and return your items, with December 2 -6 being the final call. No uniform distribution will take place the week of the Thanksgiving holiday.

Distribution will include handing out new dri-fit shirts to students in the units swapping from polos and khakis to dri-fits and black, athletic bottoms as well as distributing a second polo to students who will stay wearing polos. If you are a student who will be looking to retrieve a second polo, you may ONLY attend distribution December 2-6. See below for a list of units that are swapping from polos to dri-fits and a list of units eligible for a second polo.

Please note, if returning uniform polos to receive dri-fit shirts, you must return your current items to Racquetball Court 1 in order to receive the new ones.

Units Swapping to Dri-Fits

  • Aquatics
  • CORE
  • Fitness & Wellness
  • Lake Wauburg
  • Operations
  • Youth Programs

Units Eligible for an Additional Polo

  • Marketing
  • Member Services
  • Risk Management
  • Sport Programs
  • Athletic Training
  • Campus Recreation Managers


Week of November 18

  • Monday, November 18: 11am-3pm
  • Tuesday, November 19: 8am-1pm
  • Wednesday, November 20: 11am-3pm
  • Thursday, November 21: 8am-1pm
  • Friday, November 22: 11am-3pm

Week of December 2

  • Monday, December 2: 11am-3pm
  • Tuesday, December 3: 8am-1pm
  • Wednesday, December 4: N/A
  • Thursday, December 5: 8am-1pm
  • Friday, December 6: Distribution happening at Breakfast Bash

Location: Southwest Rec Center Racquetball Court 1


Once you receive your new uniform items, you may begin wearing them on shift. There will undoubtedly be a period of time starting November 18 with some staff members wearing old uniforms and some staff members wearing new uniforms. This is a-okay! Also, the Uniform Return Form will be available for use in Racquetball Court 1 as you return your items.

Uniform Guidelines