SWRC Tennis Courts

There are 10 tennis courts available for open recreation as well as special events. Lights are on 5:30 – 11 p.m., seven days a week.


Only University of Florida students, faculty, staff or their spouses/partners are authorized to use these facilities.

Authorized users must be prepared to present their valid Gator 1 Card.

A valid Gator 1 Card holder may bring one guest.

The Gator 1 Card holder is responsible for their guest’s actions and must accompany the guest at all times.

Gator 1 Cards may be checked at any time and those not in compliance with this policy are subject to immediate removal.

Pets (except service related animals), alcohol, glass containers, tobacco products, motorized vehicles, bicycles, rollerblades, skateboards and weapons are not allowed.

For more information regarding reserving facilities, go to the Reservations page.


The tennis courts are located east of the SWRC.

The softball complex is located on the north side on the Southwest Recreation Center on Bledsoe Drive.