*To ensure equity amongst non-student users and fee-paying students, a RecSports Membership will be required to access O’Connell Center Pool, Florida Pool, and Graham Pool starting July 1, 2024.
- All guests much purchase a $15 all-facilities guest pass for access and be sponsored by an eligible student, faculty, staff, or spouse/partner with a valid Gator 1 Card.
- Guests must be at least 18 years old to enter the Florida Pool and the O’Connell Center Pool.
- Guests must sign in the pool Guest Book and present a government issued identification card.
- Sponsors must accompany guests at all times and are responsible for their conduct and actions.
- Guests cannot participate in Sport Clubs practices at the Florida Pool and O’Connell Center Pool.
- Individuals seeking admittance to the pools may not solicit members to sponsor them as a guest.
RecSports Inclement Weather Guidelines
- Download the Rainout Line App on your mobile device for instant notifications on cancellations or modifications at RecSports facilities or call 352-200-2779.
- Account Name: “UF RecSports Cancellation Hotline”
- Conditions should be monitored for potential signs of heat illness when the air temperature is above 85°F. Stay hydrated, increase rest breaks and decrease exertion time.
- Adhere to all RecSports directives, including cancellations or modifications, as listed on the Rainout Line App at any RecSports facility or program.
FitWell Policies & Procedures
- Online registration will open 25 hours prior to the start of class time.
- Online registration will close 3 hours prior to the start of class.
- To cancel online, login on RSConnect, select your name in the top right corner, select "profile" and "programs", find the class you wish to cancel, select "cancel" and select "confirm" to cancel.
- Registered participants must arrive 15 minutes prior to the class start time to claim their spot.
- Your unclaimed spot may be given away 5 minutes prior to the class starting.
- It is your responsibility to check in with the instructor.
- Registered participants not in attendance 15 minutes prior to the start of class will lose their registered spot and will be assessed a penalty as follows:
- First infraction: email warning
- Second infraction: email warning
- Third infraction and on: group fitness registration blocked for five days
- All penalties will expire at the end of each semester.
- Sessions/packages are not refundable.
- Sessions/packages expire 120 days after the date of purchase.
- The more feedback you provide your Personal Trainer, the more effective the service will be.
- It is your responsibility to communicate fully any and all medical history information to your Personal Trainer. You also take full responsibility if you inadvertently or purposefully mislead or misinform your Personal Trainer or are not truthful in completing all paperwork.
- A fitness assessment will be conducted by your Personal Trainer in the initial consultation prior to beginning any sessions.
- Schedule cancellations require at least 24 hours’ notice or you will be charged for the session.
- You can request a trainer. If the trainer is unavailable, however, you will be given the option of waiting up to 4 weeks for that trainer or I will be scheduled with another trainer.
- There are certain expectations of you that the trainer will cover in detail at your first meeting. If you do not commit with 100% effort to this program, your assigned trainer can request that you train with someone else.
- If you are uncomfortable with a particular exercise, you can ask the trainer why you are doing it and can request the exercise be changed.
- You have the right to upgrade my session package at any time up to the expiration date; however, you can only purchase one upgrade per package.
- Buddy Personal Training Clients: The price you are paying is half of the total package. Clients will not be paired with a trainer until both buddies have paid their half.
- The more feedback you provide your Wellness Associate, the more effective the service will be.
- It is your responsibility to communicate fully any and all medical history information to your Wellness Associate. You also take full responsibility if you inadvertently or purposefully mislead or misinform your Wellness Associate or are not truthful in completing all paperwork.
- Tardiness will result in a shorter massage appointment.
- If you cancel with at least 24 hours’ notice, you may reschedule your appointment using the Microsoft Bookings "Reschedule" link within 30 days of your original appointment, free of charge. Calling or emailing to request an appointment to be canceled or rescheduled will not be observed as a valid method. All cancelations AND reschedules must occur through the Microsoft Bookings 'Reschedule' or 'Cancel Appointment' link provided in the booking receipt.
- If you cancel with less than 24 hours’ notice or do not show for an appointment, your student account will be charged $20.
- Purchased sessions are not refundable.
- If sessions are cancelled at least 24 hours in advance, the session within 30 days of original appointment or forfeit the session (no charge).
- If sessions are cancelled with less than 24 hours’ notice, the session will be forfeited.
- Sessions cannot be transferred to another person.
- All sessions expire 120 days after the date of purchase.
- If more than 120 days have elapsed since your last scheduled session, you must purchase a new 3- or 5- session package and you are not eligible to purchase follow-up sessions at that time.
- It is your responsibility to follow the prompts in your email receipt to complete the client intake form and schedule your appointment.
- Sessions/packages are not refundable.
- Sessions/packages expire 120 days after the date of purchase.
- The more feedback you provide your Massage Therapist, the more effective the service will be.
- It is your responsibility to communicate fully any and all medical history information to your Massage Therapist. You also take full responsibility if you inadvertently or purposefully mislead or misinform your Massage Therapist or are not truthful in completing all paperwork.
- Tardiness will result in a shorter massage appointment.
- If you cancel with at least 24 hours’ notice, you may reschedule your appointment using the Microsoft Bookings "Reschedule" link within 30 days of your original appointment, free of charge. Calling or emailing to request an appointment to be canceled or rescheduled will not be observed as a valid method. All cancelations AND reschedules must occur through the Microsoft Bookings 'Reschedule' or 'Cancel Appointment' link provided in the booking receipt.
- If you cancel with less than 24 hours’ notice or do not show for an appointment, you will be charged for the full appointment.
- You may request a Massage Therapist. If the Massage Therapist is unavailable, you will be given the option of waiting for that Massage Therapist’s next available appointment time, or you can choose to be scheduled with another Massage Therapist.
- It is your responsibility to utilize the Microsoft Bookings link in the receipt to schedule your appointment.
- Sessions cannot be transferred to another person.
- All new CHANGES members are expected to attend the Opening Ceremony, every class, and Closing Ceremony
- CHANGES members may have no more than 2 unapproved absences during the semester.
- For safety concerns, members will receive an unexcused absence if they arrive after the warm-up period or 10 minutes after the start of class, whichever occurs first.
- Absences may be approved under the following conditions:
- Medical situations, direct academic class or exam conflicts (this does NOT include studying for an exam)
- Religious observances
- Work related emergency conflict
- To be considered for an approved absence:
- Members must notify the Program Assistant of any planned absences at least one week in advance and appropriate documentation must be provided to the Program Assistant within 72 hours of absence.
- Members who are dismissed or resign from the program will incur a $50 charge posted to the student’s financial account.
- Dismissal: Members who have more than 2 unapproved absences.
- Resignation: Members who choose to resign from the program.
Program Trip Policies
- Pre-trip meetings are mandatory.
- The transport of alcohol, weapons, and/or illegal drugs is prohibited in University of Florida (UF) owned or rented vehicles.
- Only approved UF employees are permitted to operate all vehicles owned or rented by UF.
- Disorderly conduct, abuse of UF property, equipment, staff, and/or disregard of RecSports and CORE policies will result in immediate dismissal from the activity at the participant’s expense.
- Additional sanctions may include: disciplinary action, reimbursement for damages, and/or potential suspension from RecSports programs and services.
- A participant asked to leave by RecSports staff will not be refunded any paid charges.
Gear Rental Policies
- Only valid Gator 1 Card holders (renter) may check-out outdoor rental equipment.
- All equipment is the responsibility of the Gator 1 Card holder once it is checked-out.
- The renter must sign the “Equipment Rental Agreement” at the time of equipment checkout.
- Equipment condition will be assessed at the time of check-out and time of return.
- The renter will be charged for late, dirty, and/or wet, damaged, or lost equipment.
- Equipment left unattended at the CORE facility will be charged a $25.00 charge. Should the equipment be lost or stolen while left unattended, the renter will be responsible for all replacement costs at current full retail prices.
- Walk-in rental equipment must be paid for at the time of check-out.
- Equipment rental reservations must be made at least five days prior to the anticipated day of check-out. Reserved equipment must be paid for at the time of reservation.
- Equipment that is not returned at the assigned date and time, as stated in the rental agreement, will be considered late.
- Equipment not returned within 14 days of the assigned date and time, will be considered lost.
- Patrons will be assessed the manufacturer’s suggested retail price (MSRP) for the lost equipment in addition to the accumulated late charges.
- Failure to pay late, damage, cleaning, and/or replacement charges will result in the following:
- Students: Charges left unpaid for more than 20 business days will be placed on the student’s UF account.
- Non-students: Charges left unpaid for more than 20 business days will be submitted to a collection agency and the renter will be responsible for all collection fees.
- RecSports reserves the right to refuse rental.
Disorderly conduct; dangerous, inappropriate or disruptive behavior, abuse of the facility, natural environment, equipment, or staff and/or disregard for the Recreational Sports and Lake Wauburg policies will result in immediate dismissal. Additional sanctions may include: disciplinary action, reimbursement for damages, and/or potential suspension from the facilities and programs. A participant asked to leave by RecSports staff will not be refunded any paid charges.
Tobacco & Alcohol
- In accordance with the University’s Tobacco-Free policy, the use of any tobacco products is prohibited.
- Alcohol is not permitted during operational hours. Special events during non-operational hours with an approved permit through UF Business Affairs will be considered.
- Pets, with the exception of service animals, are not permitted.
- Service Animals may not be left unattended.
Activity - Specific
- Fishing is allowed at Lake Wauburg with a valid State of Florida fishing license in designated areas. Fishing is not permitted from the swim area dock.
- Private gas-powered watercraft are not permitted. Electric/trolling motors are permitted
- Use of metal detectors is not permitted.
- Removal of artifacts, plants or animals is not permitted.
- Attaching Objects to Trees and Structures
- Anchoring to buildings, bike racks, handrails, challenge course elements, fences, tables, or light poles is not permitted.
- May be affixed to trees greater than 1 foot in diameter to be used as anchor points..
- May be affixed on a temporary basis and must be removed when not in use.
- May not be set up within a special event zone or interfere with other guest activities.
- Slacklining Specific:
- Length not to exceed 40 feet.
- Maximum height is 3 feet at the center of the span.
- A minimum of 8 feet clearance on both sides is required.
- Tents are not permitted, unless accompanied by a permit through UF Business Affairs
- Alteration of facilities and/or natural landscape is not permitted, unless accompanied by previous approval from RecSports. This includes activities involving balloons, candles, open flame/fires outside of grills, affixing nails, tape, or staples to pavilion posts or trees. Click here to review our Reservation & Rental Policies in more detail.
- The sand volleyball court is for drop-in use only, unless marked as reserved.
- Personal grills are not permitted.
Inclement Weather Guidelines
- Download the Rainout Line App on your mobile device for instant notifications on cancellations or modifications at RecSports facilities or call 352-200-2779.
- Account Name: “UF RecSports Cancellation Hotline”
- Conditions should be monitored for potential signs of heat illness when the air temperature is above 85°F. Stay hydrated, increase rest breaks and decrease exertion time.
- Adhere to all RecSports directives, including cancellations or modifications, as listed on the Rainout Line App at any RecSports facility or program.
Modes of Transportation
- Parking is only permitted in designated parking areas.
- Use of motorized vehicles (including scooters and mini-bikes), skateboards, skates, and bicycles are not permitted.
- Bicycles are restricted to mountain bike trails and main paths.
Equipment Rental
- Only valid Gator 1 cardholders may check out equipment.
- There is a 60-minute limit on all equipment when someone is waiting.
- Equipment must be returned 30 minutes prior to the park’s closing time.
- Equipment is required to remain on park premises.
Boating Policies
- Keep lifejacket on and fastened at all times.
- If assistance is needed, blow the whistle on lifejacket three times.
- Remain seated in the boat; no swimming is permitted.
- Do not dock at any other store or structure.
- Return the boat within one hour.
- The GatorOne Holder is liable for any damages.
Swim Area Policies
- Swimming is allowed in designated swim area only when a lifeguard is present.
- Glass containers are not permitted.
- Diving/jumping is allowed in designated area only.
- Small children must be accompanied/supervised by an adult while in or near the water.
- Non-swimmers must wear a life jacket.
- Prolonged breath-holding or swimming under water for distance is not permitted.
- Backflips are prohibited.
Athletic Training
Cancellation/No-Show Policy
- Appointments canceled BEFORE 1p.m. the day before scheduled appointment may be rescheduled, free of charge, within 30 days of the original appointment.
- Appointments canceled AFTER 1p.m. the day before scheduled appointment will be assessed a $20 charge. Appointment may be rescheduled within 30 days of the original appointment.
- Tardiness (less than 15 minutes) to a session will result in shorter Athletic Training appointments. At or after 15 minutes, the appointment would be considered a no-show and assessed a $20 cancellation/no show charge.
- After two cancellations made after 1 p.m. the day before scheduled appointment and/or no-shows in the same semester, patients will not be allowed to schedule appointments for 30 days.
Intramural Sports
To ensure equity for all users, beginning July 1, 2024, a RecSports Membership will be required to access all RecSports fields and court spaces. This change ensures that both fee-paying students and non-student users have equal access to these facilities. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation as we strive to create an equitable recreational experience for everyone.
RecSports Inclement Weather Guidelines
- Download the Rainout Line App on your mobile device for instant notifications on cancellations or modifications at RecSports facilities or call 352-200-2779.
- Account Name: “UF RecSports Cancellation Hotline”
- Conditions should be monitored for potential signs of heat illness when the air temperature is above 85°F. Stay hydrated, increase rest breaks and decrease exertion time.
- Adhere to all RecSports directives, including cancellations or modifications, as listed on the Rainout Line App at any RecSports facility or program.
Gender Identity
All individuals who meet the eligibility requirements for participation in the Intramural Sports program are eligible and encouraged to participate. Individuals may participate in accordance with their personal gender identity and expression.
Photography, videography, and audio recording inside the Southwest Recreation Center and the Student Recreation & Fitness Center is not allowed without prior approval from RecSports Administration. Submit a Public Relations Form.
Note: In accordance with the University’s Best Practices for Photographing and Filming in Public Areas, a reasonable effort should be made to obtain written model release.