GET OUTSIDE WITH THE Adventure Trips Grant
Adventure Trips with UF RecSports:
- Decrease stress levels
- Increase a sense of community at UF
- Are a great way to get physically active and learn new skills!
- Studies show decreased stress, recreation, and friendships can increase academic performance
The Adventure Trips Grant reduces financial barriers for UF students to participate in valuable Adventure Trip experiences.
- UF RecSports awards approximately 6 $200 grants to UF students each Fall and Spring semester to use towards adventure trips or outdoor gear rental.
- UF RecSports awards up to $500 for selected students to train to become adventure trip leaders through the Outdoor Leadership Course. If you are interested in learning more about the OLC Adventure Trips Grant, please visit the “Become a TRiP Leader” page.
Applications for the Adventure Trips grant are available in the Fall and Spring.
Adventure Trips Grant Guidelines
Apply for the Spring 2025 Adventure Trips Grant today! Applications are open from February 23, 2025 – March 17, 2025.
Students must submit an application and meet the below criteria in order to be considered for a grant:
- Must be a current UF student
- Must have a minimum GPA of 2.5
- Must demonstrate financial need for the grant
Successful grant recipients are awarded $200.
- The $200 can be used for Adventure Trip registration or gear rental. Students can use funds to register for multiple trips or workshops if they choose.
- If the registration price is higher than $200, the student will be responsible for paying any remaining balance.
- Grant money is only valid and usable within 1 calendar year from the time awarded.
- Adventure Trips Grants awarded for the Outdoor Leadership Course can only be awarded to students accepted into the course.
Contact Braja Smith, Assistant Director for CORE at with any questions.
Outdoor Leadership Course (OLC) Grant
Looking for funding for the OLC Course? UF RecSports awards up to $500 to use towards the cost of the OLC. Applicants must meet the same criteria as the regular CORE Grant:
- Must be a current UF student
- Must have a minimum GPA of 2.5
- Must demonstrate financial need for the grant
Successful grant recipients are awarded $500.
- The $500 must be used towards the cost of the OLC.
- Students are responsible for the remaining balance of the course and the cost of the WFR certification.
- Adventure Trips Grants awarded for the Outdoor Leadership Course can only be awarded to students accepted into the course.
Apply for the OLC Adventure Trips Grant here!
Contact Braja Smith, Assistant Director for CORE at with any questions.
Donate to the Adventure Trips Grant
Want to help students get outdoors? Participants on RecSports Adventure Trips report greatly reduced stress, an increased sense of belonging, and a greater connection to nature. Donating to the Adventure Trips Grant helps reduce financial barriers for students. As one student wrote, “The companionship with the rest of the group was the most memorable part of the trip. Throughout the trip, I felt like I made a lot of strong friendships that made the trip an amazing experience as we all supported each other and I got to view a full night sky with no light pollution for the first time.”
Instructions to Donate
- Go to
- Click ‘make a gift’ button.
- The Department of Recreation Sports will appear as the selected fund. Click ‘x’ to remove the selection.
- Type in amount and follow instructions on screen.
Contact Cat Cramp, Director of Programs at with any questions.