FAB: Hike & Help Linville Gorge

Jul 22 - Jul 24

Overnight Trip


Opens on Jun 1 12:00 am


Braja Smith


Join Florida Alternative Breaks (FAB) as we hike through the Linville Gorge to complete trail mantenance in the forest! This will be a unique backcountry experience exploring the area while also giving back by preserving it for future use. We will be leaving early Friday morning and returning late Sunday evening.

Registration Includes:

– Group camping equipment (tents etc.)

– All meals (usually vegetarian)

– Transportation


Registration Does Not Include:

– Personal gear (i.e. sleeping bag, backpack, sleeping pad, headlamp). Feel free to rent outdoor gear from us! Participants get 10% off for their TRiP. More info here: http://recsports.ufl.edu/outdoors-adventure/outfitter-rental



– Backcountry camping

– No electricity

– No running water

– No flushing toilets

– No showers


Your mandatory pre-trip meeting date and time will be listed on your receipt email.


Refund Policy:

1. Trips can not be transferred.

2. Trip refunds will be granted only if:

a. Trip is cancelled by CORE.

b. A paid replacement has been found.

i. A $10 base processing charge or 15% of the registration price, whichever is greater, will be assesed.

ii. Replacement requests must be made at least 2 weeks prior to the scheduled service offering start date.

c. Participant has documented medical circumstances preventing participatation.


If this trip is full, call CORE at 352-294-1040 to get on the waiting list.


Follow us on Instagram @coreuf

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