Eva Sayman

Degree Program/Major:

Psychology / Pre-dental

Relevant Fitness Certifications:

  • NASM Certified personal trainer

Fitness/training Specializations:

  • Health & Wellness
  • Hypertrophy
  • Stabilization


Before lifting, I had never been very physically active. I envied those who had played sports since they were young, and I felt as though I would never be good at exercise. Senior year of high school though, I had had enough, and I forced myself to start going to the little gym in my building to work on my physique. Although I gained muscle, the largest difference I saw was in my confidence and feelings of self-efficacy. I now love learning new sports, even if I’m not great at them, and I’m passionate about learning about as much as I can about health and wellness.

My goal as a trainer is to help my clients be comfortable walking into the weight room and confident in their abilities to succeed. No one should ever have to feel bad about their current capacities for exercise or about their body!

Hobbies or a fun fact(s):

  • I’m trying to get into calisthenics and learn how to play basketball
  • I speak French and Spanish