Holden Alpern

Degree Program/Major: History and Business Administration

Relevant Fitness Certifications:

  • NASM — Certified Personal Trainer

Fitness/training Specializations:

  • Hypertrophy and Strength
  • Compound Movement Progressions
  • HIIT Training


  • We grow by pushing ourselves to our limits and surpassing them. Every time you hit the gym – or do anything that you’re passionate about – go a little bit harder than last time. Push yourself a little bit further out of your comfort zone. In doing so, you’re making that comfort zone that much bigger. If you do it enough, you can do just about anything. More importantly, through challenging myself, I’ve learned to love the struggle. Fitness is tough, but if you learn to love that toughness, and start looking forward to conquering a new goal or breaking a personal record, you’ve won.

Hobbies or a fun fact(s):

  • In my spare time, I lift, watch anime, play video games, and kickbox.
  • In high school, my hustle was selling personalized workout plans to my friends for $10.
  • I really want to start my own gym someday.
  • My true passion is skiing but I never get to do it.